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About Us


Anthony Douglas Williams


Hi  Thanks for visiting my website.  My name is Mike Matthews and I'm based in Kent (UK).  Fundraising for animals is something that is really important to me.  Ever since I can remember I've had a passion for animals, especially tigers. But that passion was mainly made up of reading books, watching Sir David Attenborough programmes and visiting the occasional zoo.  But all that changed in 2008 when I did a Ranger for the Day experience at The Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent and I haven't looked back since!  Not only do I spend virtually every Saturday volunteering at BCS but I decided there and then that I couldn't just sit back and watch animals disappear from the planet without trying to do something to help them.  And so, with the help of my good friend Andy Porter the idea of A CALL FOR NATURE was born.  Our aim is to be One Call to get all animal lovers, charities and wildlife collections working together to act as One Voice for Nature.  After all, the only way we can save the worlds fauna and flora is to be united together.  


A Call For Nature is still in it's infancy.  The first step is to encourage people to be proud to show their support for the world's endangered animals, so I have designed my unique A Call For Nature range of t-shirts and other conservation themed apparel, which I hope people will be proud to wear.   Proud because it depicts their favourite animal and proud because they know that by purchasing the t-shirt a large portion of the profits from every sale will be donated to at least one of the designated non-profit organisations listed here.  And that is my promise.  These t-shirts are currently only available online via this website but in future will be available at selected retail outlets across the world, on the understanding that funds are donated to conservation from every sale.  The second step is to encourage people to support the previously mentioned non-profit organisations and to encourage these charities to work together.  Just by these charities promoting my website via social media, they will be indirectly showcasing my support for the other charities to their own supporters, who in-turn will become aware and hopefully follow and support further organisations.  And of course, every t-shirt they purchase I will donate funds to the designated charity - a bit of cross-pollination if you like!


Thank you for reading this and if you have any comments, questions or suggestions then I'd love to hear from you.  You can contact me via the links below.


Kind regards



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